As stated earlier, both Windows 7 and Windows 8 natively support configuring ad hoc wireless connection using the netsh commands. In order to create an ad hoc connection in Windows 8 using netsh utility, run CMD with administrative privileges’; just type cmd on Start Screen, right-click it and select Run as administrator.
Now, first you need to check weather your network interface supports virtualization or not. Simply, run the following command to view Hosted network supported status.
netsh wlan show drivers
Coba lihat Warna merah kalau itu tulisan YES berarti kita bisa membuat add hoc nah Kalau tulisan nya NO berarti kita tidak bisa hehehe :)
In case, it says No, you will need to update your network adapter’s driver. If your NIC supports virtualization, you’re good to go. Now, enter the following commands to configure an ad hoc wireless connection.
netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=<network name> key=<passkey>
Once the hosted network has been set to allow, you need to start the mode to create an ad hoc connection. Just enter the command below.
netsh wlan start hostednetworkselesai deh :D
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